Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Welcome to University life bitches!

but at the same times, bring a lot of memories too.

Upu result was announced like few days ago. Congratulation to all new undergraduate student that will be a degree student on September this year. And and proudly said, that i will be in 3rd year of my study :') Mai gadddd, time flies so fast isn't! 

Just want to congratulate everyone who get to continue their study in degree. *Pat yourself at the back. Not all people have the chance to continue their study you know. Some of you guys did have the opportunity to continue study but in a course that you don't actually like. IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD PEOPLE. Seriously, it's just the beginning. So don't give up yet. Any courses that you get that any universities have offered you, except it will open heart and ucap syukran ! 

Congratulation to my beloved lemau, Nor Qistina Nasir  for getting into UITM Shah Alam in Accounting! Let us be a good accounting in future bebeh! :*

Sorang lagi dah missing in action. Syed Muhd Firdaus. He have this attitude that he love to change the topic or run away from talking about something that he don't really like to discuss. 6 tahun aku kawan dgn kau. Dah kebal dengan perangai kau. Pandai-pandai lah kau nk cerita dgn aku yee. 

So this is a warning!

Prepare yourself with the pressure being a degree student. Especially the climax time at the end of the semester. The painnnnn! my oh my. It's a guarantee you will survive from the suffer, but how you actually hold on to the pain throughout it is something! But truly said, i prefer my matrix life than now. Trust me. You will miss your matrix life as much as i do. To diploma students, you're going to repeat the same diploma life you have here in degree. Just, don't think that you already have the experience and your the same age as the senior, respect them, because they're senior. I'm senior :3 BAHAHAHA. 

To UKM future student, this is for you! 

This is call DECTAR. You will be spending a lot of your time sleeping in here. haha. 

owh and btw, i'm a future 3rd year Accounting student from Economics and Management Faculty, staying at Kolej Aminuddin Baki. If any of you are entering UKM and have some question to ask about anything, just say hye. I'll be honored to guide your life in becoming a UKM graduates. InsyaALLAH :)

owh, korang wajib hafal lagu ni. Tapi percayalah. Masa korang nak grad pown korang mesti x hafal lagi. haha

p/s: talking about graduates, my 2nd year result is going out on 1st August. I'm dead. So dead. Just wish that i don't need to repeat any papers. Ya Allah, tkutnyaaaa! 


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