Wednesday, March 31, 2010

i broke my promise

sorry kak ainur, i broke my promise
sorry dyra, i broke my promise
sorry saida, i broke my promise
sorry epul, i broke my promise
sorry mama & ayah, i broke my promise
sorry syed & sya, i broke my promise
sorry ella, i broke my promise

I'm so sorry everyone cause i broke my promise
and i felt so stupid cause doing it,
regret now it's nothing, cause i broke my promise to everyone.

for you, i really don't understand you. I've tried hard. I really do.
but still you ripe me apart like I'm sort of doll to you.
but i wish to be given a second chance to change everything.
I've done a lot of wrong things, but i know, i have the faith to stand up after you brought me down hard.
loving you hurts me the most. but if i have the strength  to fight for my love
hate me forever. but still i will love you.
till then, i promise you, you will never ever find a love. like I've shown to you.
p/s: have a faith in yourself to make a wise decision before you hurt someone else.
cause what goes around, comes back around.

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