Tuesday, March 30, 2010

bored.tired. exhausted .tension.you

good evening everyone :)
i just woke up from sleep. owhhh geeee, i felt so damn tired.
wait that doesn't mean i just wake up. today i woke up as early as 6.30 okie dokie.
i slept like a bby on the floor after i had my lunch with all my roommates.
today's entry is more about what i did today
nothing interesting happen on this whole study week.
all i done is study, sleep and online. just like others here :)
but i think i done more than that. i cry everyday
that one is extra job.
i broke down cause i felt suddenly empty. haiqal said is normal for a broken hearted girl.
wait, and wait, and wait and nothing happen.
so i think cry helps me to move on through the day.

p/s: nilai masa wang rawkkkk ! haha
song: there you'll be by faith hill

 me and my roommates gone to buy the water from machine. * air gedegang
haha. it was fun playing with the machine and all.
akma , yeng , mina. you guys were the best roommates i ever had!
wish to be friends forever :)

p/s : i love you

5.55 p.m
 today i view someone fb. and gees , i can't believe what i see today
the person who i thought friends actually is my enemy. i've told him everything.
at the end he turn back on me.

6.15 p.m

mina: fatin, jemput-jemput dgn mee maggi tu dah habes sayang :(
fatin: alaaaaaa. fatin lapar.
mina: napa suke mkn mee maggi kat cafe tu
fatin: ntah. sbb sedap. lebih elok dari makan mee sedap segera. ader kimia. kalau kat cafe die goreng btol.
mina: ooo
fatin: x pe la. tq sayang. 

p/s: that's mean I'm eating something out from my locker tonight.

barney eat with me okie dokie :)

6.59 p.m

saida: fatin oke?, aku x ley tido. ngantok
fatin: aku oke je. biasala. rindu :(
saida: rindu ag. dah laaaaaa. aku mnyampah tau x.
fatin: rinduuu la. :(. nak koko krunch?
saida: nak. 

then she continue eat and texting goro

fatin : makan jom. hungryyyyy gileeeeeee
saida: pegi skunk la. aku dah mandie x nak mkn.
fatin: jooooom.

we ate mee sup together. and i felt quite full
then a have a conversation with kayla & saida about *you know who.
and like usual, i've been mad. they nagging and gave me advise.
still i don't know why i still thinking of you.
p/s: until when fatin? still want to wait for him. USELESS LAAAA!

i really want my life back please :( 

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