Saturday, November 8, 2014


To waiting for this day to come are just too dreadful but at the same time, i create a new history in my life and for my family.  So it should be remembered for the rest of my life. Because I've been complaining how study life was a pain in the ass like all the time. So this time, is about me leaving study life for good. I guess. I would like to thanks like tonnes of peoples in my life right now. The one who are still there for me, or doesn't. Being a student was the best time of my life. I learned a lot during that period of time. Failure, heartbreaks, friendships, love, sacrifice, alone and to whatever emotions and situations i was experiencing that time taught me and made me become what i am today. I don't expect people to see me in different way, but i know myself more than anyone else. I become this completely different person that i never thought i will be. And till now, i'm so thankful to every route that i have been through, that Allah had put me in the past several years up till today. Grateful to whoever had stick with me throughout my 23 years of life. I guess i would really like to close this chapter of my life, but hold this tight to myself. because it was a pretty good and wonderful memories. I want to let it to stay the way it are. Because right now i'm entering the phase of adulthood. Which i guess must be tougher. But i have my strength. i guess i know how to take control of my own feelings or any situation i'm in. My purpose of life is to seek satisfaction in life and happiness which is to put myself, family and my friends as my priority. Because i believe both happiness and pain are a gift from Allah. He let us feel. He let us cry. He let us laugh. All with a reason. Alhamdullilah for everything. I'm proud of myself. *self five*

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