Thursday, January 19, 2012


It has been 5 weeks since the last time i open my formspring. What is formspring? Hanya manusia yg ada akaun ni je tau ape kegunaan die :)

someone drop by my page and send me this question. To actually said it's a question, i don't think so. It's more like words dedicate for me. Thank You anonymous. I really appreciate it. 

Cinta sejati adalah ketika dia mencintai orang lain, dan kamu masih mampu tersenyum, sambil berkata: aku turut bahagia untukmu ~ If u could do this, u should be proud of urself. Jangan dikacau cinta mereka. Biarkan :)

Hati sudah redha, sudah pasrah. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jejln kt sini :)