Sunday, August 21, 2011

Baby! i miss you so much. don't leave me again please

SAY WHATTTTT! -.-" i'm guessing that you think i desperately asking my bf not to leave me again don't cha? hahaha. 

last month my little brother drove the car to somewhere around larkin and met an accident. his okay, but the car? owhhh, i really don't know how to describe it. like seriously, it's in white, just image the damage that he had caused. he hits a taxi at the front and a car hit at the back. dad say the car had been drag onto the tow truck. -__________-" sakit wooooo. i didn't get the chance to see the car before it was send to the workshop. just imagine by how my dad tells me already makes me freak out. it was one month and few days back then and my whole family don't really like to talk about it. 

so ma baby is back. #hugging the car. :)

p/s: guys, please drive safely okay when you're on the road. 


Nazrul Izzat said...

untung laa drive citraa....
insya ALLAH...

fatinlullaby said...

hahaha. kete family jat.