a friend of mine inspired me to write about this.
mimie, aku amik gamba aku kat blog kau.
kita tak boleh tutup mulut orang an, ye aku tau aku lemah part ni. dah makin tua, bila nak berubah?
i'm ashamed of myself. a friend of mine now had changed to be a better person. and where i stand compared to her? to anyone. to tell the truth, i'm not a good person at all. you know, in the past where we were still young and fragile. all we ever wanted in life are freedom, crazily falling in love, do stupid things that is against the law. i mean parenting laws.
i'm 20 years old, and i guess reaching the zero really change the perception of life towards every 20 years old teenagers. no more 'teen' when we say out loud our age. that's mean those stupid things that we had done in life not suppose to be repeated. i guess i did to some progression for myself :)
tapi satu kelemahan aku yang aku rasa nape bebal sangat nak berubah. #tudung. -.-"
i have a big problem with this. :')
pelan-pelan nak berubah, ada je yang x kene. especially influence from people. i'm not blaming anyone but seriously, the surrounding is kinda better when i'm around with few of my friends in UKM. Alhamdullah. but still. urmm, you know what i mean.
tapi dalam diri dah lama niat nak kekal. nawaitu selalu je berubah. pfft.
insyaALLAH, i promise to myself, kalau ada rezeki dapat majoring in accoutancy, memang niat iklas nak terus kekal. macamana pown keadaan, dah tak nak jadi fatin yang dulu. nak jadi fatin yang baru. perangai buruk lama dah buang dah, sikit-sikit. :') doakan ye.
p/s: bila result majoring nak kuar ni. it's killing me. urmm.
best of luck dear!
i pray the bestest for that (:
aww akk. thanks :)
mudah mudahan fatin kekal pkai tudung smpi bile2 :)
awwwww, xanna :') the friend who inspire me is you tau.
^^ best of luck!
bangga ngn nawaitu ko yg kuat tu..(=
meeeeeee? err, im just a beginner je babe. hihi. tp zana tetap doakan kite berdua berhijab smpi bila2 :)
yatt : terima kasih sayang
xanna : aminnnnn
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