Monday, May 23, 2011

Everlasting memories at the Community Service in Ayer Hitam

1st day
A day before going to the community service in Ayer Hitam for 5 days 4 night :)
Hari Taklimat

2nd day
The trip to Perkampungan Ayer Hitam, Kluang Johor and the journey started here :')
The Arrival 

and these people are the family who adopted us for five days in Ayer Hitam

and trust me, they never stop feeding us. haha. i never skip breakfast straight for 4 days. they cook lunch and bring me and my house mate out for dinner. they're just awesome. look at these few pictures above, you can see how the condition of their house. not properly fixed. but they're not as poor as i thought. they own a plasma flat screen tv -___-" but one thing i know, they all treat us like their own daughter, even my adopted mother put a blanket on me before i went to sleep, cook chicken everyday because she know i can't eat fish, washed all my laundry. and yes, i miss them already. 

i promised to myself that i won't forget them, and insyaALLAH, one day want to help them. in any ways. i still want to be apart of them and accept them just like my own and real family :') 

3rd day
i done nothing. haha. sleep, eat and went out to meet my friends :)

4th day
the first day i went to school and meet all the awesome and adorable kids in Ayer Hitam :')
the most wonderful and unforgettable memories ever. 

and this little kid name is akil :) handsome right? haha. kinda off my favorite little student in the class.

this kid touched my heart and makes me cry :')

his name is Mohd Taufiq. why i love him so much? even he is not my adopted little brother i choose to be with  him and sit beside him in the class because he is something special for me. 

He can't read, he cant write, he can't spell, he even can't write his own name. :') 
he lived far away from school, all his siblings stop going to school at the early age. most of the time at home, he spend with looking after the cow and goat at his farm. i guess his family is not guiding him on his education. he does not talk as much as his friends in class. i guess he prefer to be by himself. he hates attention. in class, teacher just give up on him. not because all the teacher stop to be responsible to him, but they had to teach other student in class, doing preparation for their UPSR examination.

if only Taufiq can be there on the last day of our programme :')

adik, akk jnji tau, nnti kalau akk datang balik ayer hitam, kita jumpa ye. akk doakan adik berjaya, walaupun akk tau adik susah nak panjat tangga nak menjadi seorang manusia ni. kalau boleh akk nak rasa ada kat tempat adik, member keinsafan kepada akk. setiap air mata yang mengalir tu air adalah air mata kesedihan dan kesyukuran.akk bersyukur akk mampu belajar lagi smpai sekarang. akak jnji ye, satu hari nnty, akk nak tolong adik, kalau akk tak akan putus doakan adik, agar Allah berikan kesenangan hidup kat adik, doakan yang hati adik akan terbuka untuk teruskan hidup walaupun susah mcmana sekali pun. ini jnji akk kat adik taufiq :')


later that evening. SUKANEKA XD

mak kata kalau x bawak hamper balik umah jangan balik. NAHHH, AKU BAWAK BALIK 2 HAMPER. HAHA

5th day 
last day at school. motivation time with standard 5 and 6 student 

later that day, there is a football match between UKM staff or student with the felda kids.
and i can't believe that we loss to them. badly humiliated. -_____-"

and of course, closing ceremony. performance by UKM and Felda people.

me and my friends, done a very wonderful performance :)
great job everyone.

6th day *last day in Felda Ayer Hitam :')
gotong royong time 

and this is how we spend our time for the gotong royang time. camera whoring around the village :)

i'm not asking to drag the day any longer, because i still need to go to class, finish my assignment, sit for my exam, still a very long journey to finish my degree study. pfft.
but these bonding between me and the people in Ayer Hitam community will never be forgotten. and i prmose to make it even stronger. insyaALLAH :')

mak, abah, syakila, hafiz
thanks for being there for me, for accepting me who i am, treat me like your own daughter, feed me with a lot of delicious food, bring me out and make me smile, thank you. 
i will never forget everything that we had done together. watch horror movie together, making fun of each other, sit together and had lunch everyday, hanging around and all. owhhh goshh, these feelings are speechless. i just can't describe how happy i am having you guys around. :')

i love them with all my heart. just like my own family 

sebelum balik ke UKM, singgah jap pekan Ayer Hitam shopping-shopping.

we all reached UKM around 10 p.m last night. it's a very long journey and it's worth it.



archie said...

worth writing fatin. akk ngis dah bc nie. mmg great memories pun. berbaloi tak pg kelas kan? hikhik

fatinlullaby said...

kesat air mata tu. mak fatin kata tu air mata keinsafan tauuu. fatin kalau rasa mcm nak putus asa, fatin nak ingat adik taufiq ni :')

hahaha. betul2

Nazrul Izzat said...

ingat smpi bler2..yg kite ni jauhh lbih bruntung dri dorang!! taww

fatinlullaby said...

tu lah :')