Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Love

dear girlfriend, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE. 
p/s: i still x bape sure birthday you bila sebab i ni pelupa. i save kat phone, tgk fb you tak ada, i tanya azam tak reply pulak -.-" nampak tak i bersungguh-sungguh nak kompemkan yang i x salah. haha.
but i confident, hari ni birthday you sayang :)

SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY DYRAAAAAAAAA *bayangkan i jerit nama you :P

semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, dikurniakan sihat tubuh badan so i ley tgk u kawen dgn azam nanti, and the best part is, i want to be there on your first day of preparing your wedding until you pergi honeymoon. maknenye i doakan jodoh you panjang :) i miss you guys a lot, bila agaknya ley jumpa lagi ekh? 
hope study you okay kat Singapore. doakan you mase depan yang cerah ye sayang :)

remember this, owhh i miss this night so much. all the girls talk and all. i miss everything. 
i wish i can make it up to you somehow. :')

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE. wishing you all the good things in life.

always love you. whatever it takes <3


LaLaLovy said...

untungnya ada kawan mcm ni..=))

fatinlullaby said...

semua orang yang ada kawan beruntung lah awk. friendship is something special :)